
November 11, 2020

Valour: A Road to Remembrance

It was the war to end all wars. Unimaginable suffering and loss of life took place on both sides as the world descended into madness for four horrific years in the early 20th century. Young Canadian men in the prime of their lives were sent to the battlefield to take up arms.  While those left…


 / Blog Entries

November 6, 2020

Designated Heritage: Saving the Past for the Future!

To designate or not to designate, that is the question! Heritage designations are headline news in Winnipeg, but they are all too misunderstood. Developers decry them, claiming all future plans for their building are being sabotaged, heritage supporters celebrate them, seeing an important part of our history being saved, while politicians are caught in the…

October 28, 2020

The Haunting of Winnipeg’s Heritage

Living in an older (and slightly creepier) building does not always mean its haunted, but its not entirely out of the question either… Winnipeg has plenty of haunted structures with equally haunting stories to go along with them, so it would not be surprising if the buildings you pass on the street or happen to…

October 22, 2020

Hard Times for Henderson House

Locked away behind a chain link fence at the back of St. Norbert Provincial Heritage Park sits Henderson House. Once a pristine example of Red River frame architecture and one of the oldest houses in Winnipeg, it has been left to rot, history turning to dust right before our eyes. Built by a family whose…

October 14, 2020

Heritage Winnipeg: Thinking of Thanksgiving

Everyone can agree that 2020 has been quite a year and we still have a couple months to go. But despite all the things that may be going wrong in the world, Heritage Winnipeg has a lot to be thankful for. As we paused from our busy lives to celebrate Thanksgiving in a safe and…

October 7, 2020

Making History: The 2020 Manitoba Heritage Summit

Heritage belongs to everyone. It roots us in the past, and guides us into the future. It builds bridges and reminds us we belong, uniting us as a community. It pulls on our heartstrings and it gives us hope, all while enriching our day to day lives. It is artifacts and art, stories and songs,…

September 30, 2020

Famous Sculptor Leo Mol: When Art Forms History

The Leo Mol Sculpture Garden is a quiet place to relax, to enjoy nature and to look at incredible art in the busy city of Winnipeg. Located in Assiniboine Park just a short walk from the Pavilion, it is a place of tranquility for any art and nature fan. Art is an important part of…

September 23, 2020

Many Buildings, Two Churches, One Tower: 440 Hargrave Street

The First Baptist Church is as old as the City of Winnipeg itself, being founded in 1873. This is not a tale of that church, but that of the magnificent tower that stands tall on the corner of Cumberland Avenue and Hargrave Street. To properly tell this tale, it is necessary to go back in…

September 17, 2020

When the Lights Go Out at the Rover Station

Over a century ago in 1911 when the population of Winnipeg was only 136,035, the electrical station on Rover Avenue was built. Standing tall at 199 Annabella Street (formerly Rachel Street), it is a dapper three storey red brick structure. Designed in the Edwardian style, the building faces Rover Avenue, with its original address being…

September 3, 2020

Doors Open Winnipeg 2020: United in Celebration

Are you ready to celebrate Winnipeg’s built heritage? Then you do not want to miss Doors Open Winnipeg 2020, a FREE public event during the weekend of September 12th and 13th! Join Heritage Winnipeg in supporting the historic museums, businesses, religious institutions, arts & cultural centres, and walking tours that strive to protect, conserve, and…

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