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October 19, 2024

Recognition for a Community Champion

On October 18th, 2024, Jim Smith, a Heritage Winnipeg Board Member and the President and founder of the North East Winnipeg Historical Society, was awarded a Winnipeg 150 medal by the City of Winnipeg. The medal was presented by North Kildonan Councillor Jeff Browaty at a ceremony in Bunn’s Creek Greenway, just off Malcana Street, with Mayor Scott Gillingham in attendance. Eight medal recipients were celebrated at the ceremony where they received a specially designed Winnipeg 150 Medal in a box, a certificate signed by the Mayor and a tree planted in their honour. Congratulations Smith, this recognition is very well deserved!

The Winnipeg 150 Medals are awarded to deserving Winnipeggers, “who have made a significant contribution to their neighbourhood or the city at large.” From nearly 600 nominations made by the public, 150 recipients were chosen by a selection committee to receive these medals in 2024, the sesquicentennial of the City of Winnipeg. Ceremonies will be held throughout the city from October 10th to 31st, with City Councillors and the Mayor of Winnipeg presenting medals to the various winners. Heritage Winnipeg applauds the hard work and contributions of all the Winnipeg 150 Medal winners, you make Winnipeg a wonderful place to call home!

Interested in history since he was a young boy, Smith has been digging into Winnipeg’s past for almost 25 years. Smith founded the North East Winnipeg Historical Society in 2008 when he discovered a lack of information available about the area. Wanting to know more, he took the incentive to do research himself and then made the information available online for the public. The organization’s goal is to “preserve and record the histories of East Kildonan, North Kildonan and Elmwood for present and future generations,” documenting everything from the ordinary to the extraordinary. With a large online archive of maps of Winnipeg and the surrounding areas, the North East Winnipeg Historical Society also offers walking tours, presentations, teaching tools, has published books and more. The current President of the organization, Smith also join Heritage Winnipeg’s Board of Directors in June 2023, bringing a immense depth of knowledge and a strong dedication to our cause.

As part of the Winnipeg 150 Medal ceremony, a Delta Hackberry tree (Celtis occidentalis) was planted in Smith’s honour at Bunn’s Creek Greenway. This deciduous species is native to Manitoba, found growing in the Delta Beach area at the of the southern end of Lake Manitoba. Also know as a Nettle tree, the Delta Hackberry is an uncommon shade tree with a distinctive rugged bark. Its ability to thrive in a metropolitan setting and resistance to Dutch elm disease makes this resilient tree a great choice for Winnipeg’s urban forest. Along with making our city beautiful, trees cool hot summer streets, reduce rainwater runoff, sequester greenhouse gasses, lower air pollution and enhance both our physical and metal health. Just like the tree planted in his honour, Smith is also rare, tenacious and works hard to serve his community, building a legacy that we will all benefit from for many years to come. Congratulations Smith and thank you for all your hard work preserving and celebrating our community’s history!

North Kildonan Councillor Jeff Browaty, Jim Smith and Mayor Scott Gillingham planting a Delta Hackberry tree in Smith’s honour at Bunn’s Creek Greenway on October 18th, 2024. Photo courtesy of Jim Smith.

Featured image: Mayor Scott Gillingham, Jim Smith and North Kildonan Councillor Jeff Browaty at the Winnipeg 150 medal ceremony in Bunn’s Creek Greenway on October 18th, 2024. Photo courtesy of Jim Smith.


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