/ News
May 25, 2021
Opportunity for Input: The Future of the City of Winnipeg Archives
The stories of Winnipeg and its citizens are told in the records and artifacts managed by the City of Winnipeg’s Archives – all residents should be inspired to explore our history! The City’s archival collection is unique and irreplaceable and includes minutes, by-laws, maps, photographs, drawings, and artifacts. To ensure long-term preservation and access to these irreplaceable items, the City is exploring facility options to address the storage and preservation needs for its growing archival collection, to allow enough space for its programming, and to create an accessible space that allows Winnipeggers to continue to have access to records and conduct research. Stakeholder input, facility and programming needs, and costs are being considered in the development of a long-term, sustainable solution in the Archives Strategy.
After consulting with stakeholders (including Heritage Winnipeg) and evaluating what is required to update the former City of Winnipeg Archives (located in the Carnegie Library Building at 380 William Avenue), the City is now reaching out to individuals and organizations to collect feedback and develop a recommended City of Winnipeg Archives Strategy for Council consideration.
Have your say on the future of the City of Winnipeg Archives!
Complete a survey by July 5
Attend a virtual workshop on June 16 or 17
Ask a question
Send a written submission to archives@winnipeg.ca
For more information, please visit winnipeg.ca/