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April 14, 2021

New Infill Development Proposed for the East Exchange District Faces Opposition

The construction of a modern 12 storey, 145 foot building has been proposed for 127 Bannatyne Avenue in the East Exchange District. The Exchange District is a National Historic Site of Canada, recognized for its “harmonious representation of one or more styles or constructions, building types, or periods that has a sense of history”. In addition to the proposed design being in stark contrast to its historic surroundings, this new building will exceed the City of Winnipeg’s maximum allowable height in the area of 100 feet, as stipulated by the 2004 Downtown Winnipeg Zoning bylaw No. 100/2004.

The developer has petitioned for a variance and has scheduled a hearing with the City on Monday, April 19, 2021. Heritage Winnipeg will be speaking in delegation in opposition of the variance, as it sets a dangerous precedent that could result in more high rise development in the Exchange District, leading to the deterioration of Winnipeg’s treasured historic heart. Heritage Winnipeg firmly believes that with stakeholder consultation and a design that respects the historic context, this could be a successful building project that enhances the neighbourhood!

Learn more about this proposed project and how you can get involved: http://www.residentsoftheexchangedistrict.ca/


On April 19, 2021, the SPC PDHDD Committee denied the appeal for a variance for constructing a 145 foot building at 127 Bannatyne Avenue. Councillor Santos modified the motion to allow up to 110 feet, 10 feet beyond the allowed 100 feet. Stakeholders from the Exchange District were clear that they are very much in support of a multi use infill project, but it must be sympathetic to the National Historic Site in which it is located. We have yet to see if the developer will proceed with the project at the newly allowed 110 feet and hope that if so, it will be with a more historically sensitive design.

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