/ News
January 20, 2021
CBC Manitoba: Heritage district study for Crescentwood draws support and ire from residents
It’s one of Winnipeg’s oldest neighbourhoods, with tree-lined streets, large lots and stately homes, but there are some questions about how far residents want to go to preserve its character.
Protecting the “character-defining elements” of the Crescentwood-Enderton area is set out in a study touting the benefits of designating it as a Heritage Conservation District (HCD).
The study was in front of the city’s property and planning committee on Monday. It says the neighbourhood “is of special architectural and historical interest and embodies heritage values that are worthy of the HCD designation.”
If ultimately approved, the designation would regulate certain “alterations, developments, and demolitions within the subject area to conserve its character-defining elements.”
Effectively that could mean everything from the windows and facades to fences and yards of the 123 homes in the neighbourhood could be subject to restrictions on changes.
Read the full article here.
March 23rd, 2023: “Winnipeg’s Second Heritage Conservation District! Crescentwood-Enderton Park”