/ News
September 10, 2020
Doors Open Winnipeg 2020 Social Media Contest
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September 1, 2020
Doors Open Winnipeg 2020 Preregistration
? It’s only a few days until preregistration opens for Doors Open Winnipeg 2020! ? Preregistration officially opens Friday, September 4 at noon! All preregistration will be done online. To help keep everyone safe and ensure provincial guidelines are followed, nearly every building and tour for Doors Open Winnipeg 2020 will require preregistration. Be sure…

August 11, 2020
Volunteers Wanted for Doors Open Winnipeg 2020!
Are you passionate about Winnipeg’s history and enjoy interacting with the public? Consider volunteering for Doors Open Winnipeg on September 12th and 13th, 2020! Volunteering for Doors Open Winnipeg helps: ? Foster public awareness and understanding of community history and local architecture ? Inspire civic pride and allow Winnipeggers to be tourists in their own…

July 31, 2020
Heritage Winnipeg’s Summer Search Giveaway!
Throughout the month of August, Heritage Winnipeg is encouraging you to go on a scavenger hunt to find the hidden heritage in your own neighbourhood! Head outside and see if you can find all the features on our list: 1. A red brick building 2. A brightly coloured door 3. A stained glass window 4….

May 25, 2020
Heritage Winnipeg is Hiring!
Heritage Winnipeg is looking to hire a Heritage Interpreter to join our team for the summer! It is an eight week full time position starting June 1st, 2020, funded through the Canada Summer Jobs program. Requirements: – Strong interest in built heritage and history – Completed at least one year of post secondary education and…

March 5, 2020
Help Save One of Winnipeg’s Last Remaining Wooden Streetcars!
Help support the restoration of the Streetcar #356 through the GoFundMe Campaign.
In 1980, Heritage Winnipeg acquired Winnipeg Streetcar #356, accepting both ownership and responsibility for its continued preservation…

February 20, 2020
2020 Annual Preservation Award Winners
Congratulations to all the 2020 Annual Preservation Award Winners! Thank you to everyone who came out and celebrated the champions of Winnipeg’s built heritage on February 18th, 2020. Special thanks to ThinkShift hosting the awards ceremony at the James Avenue Pumping Station! Be sure to read the NEW Heritage Winnipeg Blog for all the details…

December 9, 2019
Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who attended Heritage Winnipeg’s 2019 Fall Fundraiser! It was a wonderful evening celebrating the holiday season in Winnipeg’s first Heritage Conservation District! A big thank you to the wonderful homeowners, who so generously opened their home for the event. We would also like to thank our fantastic sponsors, WOW Hospitality, True…

September 28, 2019
1919 STRIKE: ILLUMINATED screenings have now ended. Thank you to everyone who came out to participate! Additionally, a big thank you to Pattern Interactive for their incredibly hard work on this project, 201 Portage for allowing us to use their lot, and the Government of Canada for their generous financial support. To learn more about…

September 3, 2019
National Trust for Canada 2019 Conference
On behalf of Heritage Winnipeg, we want to extend a warm thank you to all the staff, sponsors, speakers and attendees who took part in the National Trust Conference 2019! It was great to have everyone join us in Winnipeg and we hope that everyone found the event valuable and informative. We believe that the…