/ News
September 28, 2023
Meet the Student: Maples Met School
Heritage Winnipeg is excited to have a student intern from the Maples Met School for the 2023-2024 school year. We believe that engaging with youth in a thought provoking manner will unveil new perspectives on built heritage issues and foster the next generation of advocates. Meet our student intern:
Hello, my name is Nina and I am an 11th-grade student at the Maples Met School, the Met School focuses on big-picture learning with internships and student-led projects that students choose based on their passions and interests.
I am interested in History and Indigenous studies and I have interned at Seven Oaks House Museum and C2 Center for craft in the past. I am very excited to intern with Heritage Winnipeg this year, I look forward to being able to build my historical research skills!
We look forward to showcasing Nina’s work during our Doors Open Winnipeg event in 2024 – celebrating Winnipeg’s 150. Be sure to watch for it!