
The annual National Trust conference is Canada’s largest heritage learning and networking event. Held in a different part of Canada every year, this national conference brings together a wide-range of people keeping Canada’s heritage alive: from grassroots advocates, professionals and planners, to elected officials, policy makers, and students. Presented by the National Trust for Canada in association with Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals.

Heritage and the Global Reset: Seizing the Moment

The global health crisis has bought into clear focus the damage the current economic paradigm has wrought. The response around the world has been explosive, including demands for redress of social and racial inequities, rebalancing of climate, and rethinking the economy.

As the world hits the reset button, the National Trust in association with the Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals invites you to be part of a cross-Canada conversation about the responsibility and the opportunity heritage conservation practitioners have at this critical moment. More than ever, heritage places have extraordinary potential to meet the challenges of a post-COVID world,through reflecting the cultural diversity of Canada in the quest for reconciliation and equity, in reducing resource consumption and GHG emissions, and by providing the building blocks for a sustainable economic recovery.

The deadline for submission is Friday, April 9, 2021.

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    • 28

    • SEP

  • National Trust Virtual Conference 2021
  • Tue., Sep. 28, 2021, - Fri., Oct. 1, 2021, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

    1263 days ago

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