
Join Heritage Winnipeg at the National Trust Conference 2019 Heritage Delivers: Impact, Authenticity, and Catalytic Change.

The National Trust is thrilled Winnipeg will be hosting to this gathering of 450+ heritage volunteers, policymakers, and professionals from across Canada.

Heritage Delivers explores the catalytic power of historic places and how they are essential to building vibrant and diverse communities, and sustainable economies. The conference will blend high-impact plenaries, with multiple concurrent session streams, workshops, and skill-building field sessions.

Get inspired by international visionaries like Danish architect Anders Lendager on construction waste and nurturing regenerative cities or Yu Ka Sing from Hong Kong on the preservation of living working class heritage at the city’s award-winning Blue House.

See how heritage is a social and economic force, debate sensitive additions to historic places and heritage districts, get empowered at a heritage advocacy sessions, and partnership lessons for better protecting Indigenous heritage.

Meet your peers from across Canada, and perhaps your next employer or project collaborator. Help introduce them to the warmth and vibrancy of Winnipeg!

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    • 17

    • OCT

  • National Trust for Canada 2019 Conference
  • Thu., Oct. 17, 2019, - Sat., Oct. 19, 2019, 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

    1975 days ago

Join Heritage Winnipeg at the National Trust Conference 2019 Heritage Delivers: Impact, Authenticity, and Catalytic Change. The National Trust is thrilled Winnipeg will be hosting to this gathering of 450+ heritage volunteers, policymakers, and professionals from across Canada. Heritage Delivers explores the catalytic power of historic places

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