
Heritage Winnipeg has a comprehensive collection of files on historical buildings (see list below) for professionals, students, building owners and others interested in learning about Winnipeg’s built heritage. Contact us for more information or if you would like to visit our offices to peruse our resource centre.

Street NumberSort NumberStreetDescriptionNotesproblems
8787Academy Roadresidence
394394Academy RoadUptown Theatre
420420Academy RoadBank of Toronto
615615Academy RoadChildren?s Home of Winnipeg
3434Adelaide StreetVictoria Hall
8686Adelaide StreetFinnie & Murray Block
8888Adelaide StreetKelly House
100100Adelaide Street
Building 2525Air Force WayAir Force Heritage Museum and Air Park
186186Air Force Way
35 - 5135Albert Streetretail / wholesale building
38 - 44«38Albert Streetbusiness block
3838Albert StreetKen Wong?s Restaurant
38, 42, 4438Albert Street
4848Albert StreetRoyal Albert Hotel
52 - 5652Albert StreetGregg Building
5858Albert StreetPaylay Custom Tailoring
6262Albert StreetDingwall Building
6363Albert StreetHammond Building
7070Albert StreetTelegram Building / Modern Age Furniture
73 & 7573Albert StreetSilvester & Wilson Building
86 - 8886Albert StreetAlbert Block / Marriagi Hotel
9090Albert StreetWestern Building
9191Albert StreetImperial Dry Goods Block
9393Albert Streetback of Woodbine Hotel2 files
9595Albert Streetparking lot
9898Albert StreetReliable Service Station
110110Albert StreetCentral Fire Hall
131 - 133131Albert StreetDuchy?s International & Face Communication
139139Albert StreetBogart?s / Royal Bank Annex
7070Alexander AvenueWinnipeg Public Docks
108-112108Alexander AvenueDominion Express Company Building
108108Alexander AvenuePatent 5 Distillery and Tasting Room
148 - 150148Alexander AvenueWoods / Dryden Bag Company
184184Alexander AvenueUkrainian Cultural & Educational Centre
311311Alexander AvenueBemis Bag Building
616616Alverstone StreetBjorn Petersson House
616616Alverstone StreetBjorn Petursson House
720720Alverstone StreetDaniel McIntyre Collegiate School
2121Amy StreetWinnipeg Hydro Steam Plant2 files
135135Anderson AvenueSt. John?s Anglican Cathedral
475475Anderson AvenueMachray Park
9090Annabella StreetJ. R. Watkins Company Factory and Warehouse
738738Archibald StreetSwift?s Packers
3030Argyle StreetArgyle High School
4040Arlington StreetJames O?Donohoe House
200200Arlington StreetSalvation Army Grace Hospital of Winnipeg
836836Arlington StreetSt. Edwards Roman Catholic Church
4545Arthur StreetCanada Wide parking lot
5454Arthur StreetRobinson, Little & Company Building
7070Arthur StreetWhitla Building / Split Building
8888Arthur StreetBlue Ribbon Building
92 - 10492Arthur StreetGault Building
100100Arthur StreetArtspace Building
270270Assiniboine AvenueLeslie Building / Guertin Bros.
351351Assiniboine AvenueKerr Houseformerly 453 Qu?Appelle Avenue
390390Assiniboine AvenueRestaurant Dubrovnik
432432Assiniboine AvenueMathewson House
434434Assiniboine AvenueWinnipeg Sketch Club
440 - 442440Assiniboine AvenueChelsea Court Apartments
5151Balmoral StreetWilliam Milner House
5656Balmoral StreetHenry E. Sharpe House
6565Bannatyne AvenueStephen Juba Park
115 - 119115Bannatyne AvenueThe Brokerage
123123Bannatyne AvenueMarshall-Wells Company Building
127127Bannatyne AvenueU.G.G. Warehouse
137137Bannatyne AvenueSwiss Building
140140Bannatyne AvenueNorthern Electric Building / shelter
141141Bannatyne AvenueMacKenzie Building
166166Bannatyne Avenueparking lot
167167Bannatyne AvenueAshdown Warehouse
168168Bannatyne AvenueChatfield Distributors Building
170170Bannatyne Avenueparking lot
181 - 183181Bannatyne AvenueKilgour Block / Kelly Building
185185Bannatyne AvenueMcClary Manufacturing Building
189189Bannatyne AvenueMcDonald Auto Service
211211Bannatyne AvenueAshdown Hardware & Leland Hotel Debatesee 218 William Avenue
211211Bannatyne AvenueJ. H. Ashdown Hardware Storeformerly 476 Main Street
240240Bannatyne AvenueGaults
283283Bannatyne AvenueTownsite / Travellers Building
291291Bannatyne AvenueSanford Buildingsee 109 Princess Street
332332Bannatyne AvenueHenderson Building
365365Bannatyne AvenueStovel Printing Company
438438Bannatyne Avenueresidence
600600Bannatyne AvenueSacred Heart Roman Catholic Church
Bannatyne AvenueWinnipeg General Hospital
251251Bannerman AvenueSt. John?s Presbyterian Church
386386Beaverbrook StreetSir John Franklin School
232232Bell AvenuePenrose Housesee 444 Logan Avenue
200200Berry StreetSt. James Fire Hall
33Borrowman PlaceGordon Bell High School
965965Boyd AvenueBlessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church
4343Boyle StreetCharles Ellis Boarding House
521521BroadwayAll Saints Anglican Church
544 - 548544BroadwayWaldron Court
194194BroadwayThe Manitoba Club
222222BroadwayFort Garry Hotel
251251BroadwayBroadway Courtdemolished; 2 files
314314BroadwayPrinceton Apartments
326326Broadwayapartment building
333333BroadwayWorkers Compensation Board
391391BroadwayWinnipeg Law Courts
396396BroadwaySt. Stephen?s Broadway United Church
450450BroadwayManitoba Legislative Building
545545BroadwayWilson House
586586BroadwayFoster House
Broadway at MemorialLand Titles Office
253253Burrin AvenueSt. Anne?s Anglican Church
136136Burrows AvenueJoseph Wasdell House
294294Burrows AvenueSt. Giles Presbyterian Church
349349Burrows AvenueFire Hall #6 ( former #7 )
405405Burrows AvenueManitoba Telephone System
6161Carlton StreetDalnavert
225225Carlton StreetTrue North Square
230230Carlton StreetAberdeen Hotel
300300Carlton StreetFree Press Building
9696Carmen AvenueGlenelm School
5050Cass StreetCaron Park / Caron House
250250Cathedral AvenueSt. John?s Presbyterian Church / Charles Cathedral Housing Co-op
410410Cathedral AvenueFire Hall #13
190190Avenue de la CathedraleSt. Boniface Cathedral
200200Avenue de la CathedraleUniversite? de Saint-Boniface
320320Avenue de la CathedraleEcole Provencher
6666Chancellors CircleUniversity of Manitoba
200200Charles StreetNorth End Police Station
1515Chester StreetSir Sam Steele School
9797Chestnut StreetNellie McClung House
181181Church AvenueSt. John?s Anglican Church Parish Hall
259259Church AvenueChurch Block Apartments
511511Clifton StreetWolseley School
127127Cobourg AvenueGordon-King Memorial United Church
340340Cockburn Street NorthEarl Grey School
494494College StreetThe Castle / Rabbi David Cantor House
175175Colony StreetAll Saints Anglican Church
198198Colony StreetScott House
320320Colony StreetDowntown Commons
7070Cornish Avenue
9999Cornish AvenueMisericordia Hospital & Chapel
23002300Corydon AvenueTuxedo School
23552355Corydon AvenueAssiniboine Park
329329Cumberland Avenuemixed use
400400Cumberland AvenueCentral Park
410410Cumberland AvenueWaddell Fountain
411411Cumberland AvenueCentral Park Towers
Cumberland AvenueMiner Rubber Companymissing
129129Dagmar StreetShaavey Shomayin Synagogue
7777Dandurand AvenueSt. Charles School
3030Deer Lodge Placeresidence
605605Des Meurons StreetLe Federation des Caisses Populaires
375375Deschambault StreetGabrielle Roy House
3535Digue AvenueRitchot Orphanage
100100Disraeli StreetSt. Michael?s Ukrainian Orthodox Heritage Church
5454Donald StreetPatterson Block
244244Donald StreetAragon Building
251251Donald StreetMillennium Library
269269Donald StreetHoly Trinity Angelican Church
315315Donald StreetCapitol Theatre
335335Donald StreetMother Tucker?s Restaurant
347 - 355347Donald StreetCanada Building
352352Donald StreetCanada Building
370370Donald StreetBell Block Building
376376Donald StreetAldous Building
388388Donald StreetPhoenix Block
123123Doncaster StreetAsper Jewish Community Campus
909909Dorchester AvenuePhilip Adam Studio
951951Dorchester Avenueresidence
10551055Dorchester AvenueFire Hall #12
212212Dumoulin StreetSt. Boniface Fire Hall
5555Duncan StreetWaterfront Drive development
4040Dunkirk DriveWinnipeg Canoe Club
2020East GateWilson Hill House
6969East GateDan Bain House
8989East GateGeorge R. Crowe House
9696East GateJohn Hladki Stephenson residence
Edmonton at St. Mary AvenueAlexandra Schooldemolished
2626Edmonton StreetJohn Walter Harris House
3737Edmonton Streetresidence
254 - 256254Edmonton StreetAlexander Block
368 - 370368Edmonton Streetresidence
400400Edmonton StreetKnox United Church
454454Edmonton StreetBenard House
319319Elgin AvenueScott Fruit Company Warehouse
339339Elgin Avenueresidence
15701570Elgin AvenueCecil Rhodes Achool
110110Ellen StreetCentral School
268268Ellen StreetFirst Scandinavian Mission Church
410410Ellice AvenueTouraine Apartments / Whittier Apartments
555555Ellice AvenueManitoba Housing
585 - 587585Ellice AvenueMac Building
586586Ellice AvenueSt. Matthew?s Parish
9999Euclid AvenueBarber House
125125Euclid Avenue
186186Euclid AvenueFather A. A. Cherrier Boarding House
66Fermor AvenueSt. Vital Library
958958Ferry Road ? Hanger T-2Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada
270270Flora AvenueDavid Livingstone School
444444Flora Avenue
450450Flora AvenueAberdeen School
11Forks Market RoadThe Forks Market
22Forks Market RoadManitoba Theatre for Young People
88Forks Market RoadSteam Plant
2121Forks Market RoadManitoba Theatre for Young People
2525Forks Market RoadJohnston Terminal
4545Forks Market RoadChildren?s Museum
7575Forks Market RoadInn at the Forks
7575Fort StreetGrain Exchange Curling Club
225225Fort StreetThe Coliseum
228 - 230228Fort Streetdemolished
235235Fort StreetGreen & Lister Block
280280Fort StreetCarlton Club
283283Fort StreetOrpheum Theatre
308308Fort StreetVendome Hotel
11Fowler StreetSt. John?s Park
9494Frances Streetresidence
9898Frances Streetresidence
222222Furby StreetYoung United Church
276 - 278276Furby Streetresidence
432432Furby StreetDawson Court Apartments
6565Garry StreetFort Garry Place
115115Garry StreetHudson?s Bay Company Garage / Keg and Cleaver
187187Garry StreetWindsor Hotel
274 - 276274Garry StreetNorris Block
287287Garry StreetGarrick Hotel
290290Garry StreetGarry Building / Sun Building
291291Garry StreetNorth West Travellers Building / Inglis Building
296 - 298296Garry StreetChambers Building / Canada Permanent Building
298298Garry StreetTelPay Building
9999George AvenueJames Burridge House
109109George AvenueMcKerchar House
8989Gertie StreetAlphabet House
507507Gertrude AvenueMarshall McLuhan house
549549Gertrude AvenueTrinity Baptist Church
112112Gomez Streetwarehouse
208 - 214208Good StreetDobson & Jackson Terrace
266266Graham AvenuePost Office
330330Graham AvenueEaton Place / Eatons Catalogue Warehouse
357357Graham AvenueEaton Powerhouse & adjacent structure
380380Graham AvenueRoyal Winnipeg Ballet
389 - 393389Graham AvenueAlexandria Block
412412Graham AvenueBank of Commerce
11Granite WayGranite Curling Club
812812Grosvenor Avenueapartment building
13501350Grosvenor AvenueRiver Heights School
13601360Grosvenor AvenueRiver Heights Lawn Bowling Club
255255Hamilton AvenueVimy Arena
4444Hargrave StreetKenilworth Court
5555Hargrave StreetGlines House
7373Hargrave StreetAlfred A. Gilroy House
305305Hargrave StreetWagon Wheel Lunch
361361Hargrave StreetNew Hargrave Building
379379Hargrave StreetBreadalbank Block / Ambassador Apartments
400400Hargrave StreetFirst Baptist Church / Calvary Temple
448448Hargrave StreetClark Brothers Warehouse
464464Hargrave Streetcommercial building
474474Hargrave StreetManitoba Telephone System BuildingGarry Exchange
124124Harrow StreetCharles W. Rowley House
680680Harrow StreetManitoba Hydro Electrical Museum
247247Hazelwood AvenueHazelwood Mosque
6161Heaton AvenueGerman Society Building
185185Henderson HighwayHamilton House
187187Henderson HighwayElmwood Gallery / Post Office
239239Henderson HighwayBrown's Drugs
385385Henderson HighwayRoxy Theatre
14901490Henderson HighwayLord Kitchener School
21122112Henderson HighwayHenderson House
8282Henry AvenueR. N. Pratt House
9696Henry AvenueM. R. O?Loughlin House
425425Henry Avenueformer Turner ? Walker Block
8888Hespeler AvenueElmwood Cemetery
Higgins at MainRoyal Alexandra Hotel
53 - 5553Higgins AvenueOgilvie Flour Mills
5555Higgins AvenueRenaissance on the Red / Canadian Wheat Boardmissing
6565Higgins AvenueAble Building / Acklands
125125Higgins AvenueJ. I. Case Company / Tin Lizzie Museum
170170Higgins AvenueSpiers Bakery
181181Higgins AvenueCanadian Pacific Railway Station
186186Higgins AvenueWolseley Hotel
272272Home StreetThelma Apartments
220220Hugo Street NorthPasadena Apartments
300300Hugo Street NorthSt. Michael and All Angels Anglican Church
633633Inkster BoulevardInkster School
8585Israel Asper WayCanadian Museum for Human Rights
109109James AvenueJames Avenue Pumping Station
110110James AvenueRyan Brothers Building
120 - 128120James AvenueDelaval Warehouse
130130James AvenueVictor Fox Foods / Brown, Stewart and Milne
132 - 134132James AvenueRichard and Brown Warehouse
223223James AvenueCivic Employees Credit Union Building / Mandarin BuildingFormer City of Winnipeg Police Court
250250Jefferson AvenueSt. Joseph?s Ukrainian Catholic Church
201201John Black AvenueKildonan Presbyterian Church
121121Kate StreetWilliam Ashdown House
1010Kennedy StreetGovernment House
293293Kennedy StreetOdd Fellows Temple
23 «23 «Kennedy StreetCoach House
850850Kildonan DriveLinden House
45 - 5445King StreetCity Electric Power Supply Substation #1
4848King StreetBedford Buildingmissing
5454King StreetWinnipeg Hydro Substation #1
6666King StreetMaltese Cross Buildingsee 286 McDermont Avenue
8787King StreetAnne Building
9898King StreetCrescent Machine Works
100 - 102100King Street
104104King StreetRyan Block
114114King StreetJ. Maw & Company Garage
120120King StreetSparling Sales Ltd.
124124King Streetvacant building
185185King StreetMandarin Building
228 - 238228King StreetCoronation Building / Shanghai Restaurant
333333King StreetYouth for Christ / Centre for Youth Excellence
8383KingswayEdward H. Heath House
632632Lafleche StreetNicolett Inn
211211Lamont BoulevardShaw House
674 - 680674Langevin Street
164164Langside Street
3434Lannoo Driveresidence
165165Laverendrye StreetKittson House
7272Lenore StreetBellcrest Apartments
609609Leola StreetNotre Dame de l?Assomption
131131Letinsky Place
290290Lilac StreetLa Verendrye School
161161Lipton StreetFire Hall #14
242242Lizzie StreetLizzie Playground
175 - 181175Logan AvenueSalvation Army Men?s Social Services
444444Logan AvenuePenrose Houseformerly 232 Bell Avenue
925925Logan AvenueRegal Furniture Building
15211521Logan AvenueCanadian Bank of Commerce
55Lombard Avenueparking garage
8080Lombard AvenueUnion Shoes and Leather Company Building
8585Lombard AvenueGilfix Building
9393Lombard AvenueCrane-Ordlay Warehouse / Crane Supply
111111Lombard AvenueGaylord Block / Brick's Fine Furniture
125125Lombard Avenuevacant lot
135135Lombard AvenueGrain Transportation Authority Building / Northern Sales
149 - 171149Lombard Avenuemissing
153153Lombard AvenueGrain Exchange Building Annex
167167Lombard AvenueGrain Exchange Building
177177Lombard AvenueChamber of Commerce Building / GWL Assurance
185185Lombard AvenueGreat West Life Annex / Oliver?s Restaurant
191191Lombard AvenueUnion Tower Buildingdon't confuse with Union Bank Tower
11Lombard PlaceRichardson Building
22Lombard PlaceWinnipeg Inn Hotel
44Lombard PlaceBank of Canada Building
132132Lusted AvenueEuclid / North Central School
9595Luxton AvenueJean (James) Baptiste Lauzon House
551551Machray AvenueMcGregor Armoury
551551Magnus AvenueLuba Vitcher Synagogue
Main at BroadwayHudson?s Bay Company General Offices
Main at SutherlandCanadian Pacific Railway Station
Main at WaterBoard of Trade
7777Main StreetHudson?s Bay House
104 - 123104Main StreetUnion Station / Via Rail Canada
130130Main StreetUpper Fort Garry
142142Main StreetPetro Canada Kiosk
171171Main StreetCauchon Block / Empire Hotel
183183Main StreetRoyal Alexandra Hotel
200200Main StreetSmart Bag Company
214 - 216214Main StreetWinnipeg Hotel
218 - 224218Main StreetDominion Hotel / Blue Note Caf‚
226 - 234226Main StreetFortune and MacDonald Block
226226Main StreetMacDonald Block / Commercial Hotel
232232Main StreetFortune Block
242242Main StreetGrace Motors Building
244244Main StreetPlaxton Brothers Building
246 - 250246Main StreetSandison Building
252 - 254252Main StreetOssen Brugge Block
269269Main Streetvarious buildings
272272Main StreetScott Block
280280Main StreetCadomin Building / Wilson Furniture
286286Main StreetT. Johnson Jewellery Store
300300Main StreetNorthern Life Building
335335Main StreetBank of Montreal Building
356356Main StreetGreat Western Building
360360Main StreetRichardson Building
364364Main StreetAllan, Killan and McKay Block
389389Main StreetCanadian Bank of Commerce
390 - 394390Main StreetCN/CP Telecommunications Building
395395Main StreetBank of Hamilton
396 - 402396Main StreetAdam?s Camera Shop
401401Main StreetWinnipeg Post Office
410410Main Streetparking lot
416416Main StreetMcInyre Block
423423Main StreetCanadian Wheat Board
426 - 428426Main StreetKum Koon Gardens & Chez Andre
430 - 434430Main StreetRadio Winnipeg Building
433433Main StreetUnited Grain Growers Building
436436Main StreetNewmac Building
441441Main StreetImperial Bank of Canada
450450Main Streetvacant
456456Main StreetBank of Toronto
457457Main StreetConfederation Life Building
460460Main StreetRoyal Bank of CanadaAronovitch & Leipsic Building
466466Main StreetWoodbine Hotel
468468Main StreetBarker Block
474474Main StreetDuffin Block
476476Main StreetJ. H. Ashdown Hardware Storesee 211 Bannatyne Avenue
479479Main StreetMary?s Beauty Salon
480480Main StreetBig 4 Sales parking lot
483 - 483«483Main StreetWinnipeg Police Association
487 - 491487Main StreetSilverman?s Jewelry
492492Main StreetMacdonald Building
496496Main StreetBijou Theatre Site
499499Main StreetThomson Block
500 - 504500Main StreetUnion Tower Annex & Union Bank TowerRoyal Bank; 2 files
507507Main StreetWinnipeg Pawn Shop
510510Main StreetCity Hall
515515Main StreetLiquor Mart
536 - 542536Main StreetChristie / Broughall Block2 files
546546Main StreetFoulds Blockdemolished
554554Main StreetMcLaren Hotel
555555Main StreetCentennial Concert Hall
559559Main StreetStrand Theatre
586586Main StreetMaycock Block
596 - 598596Main StreetGuest Block
600600Main StreetMcKerchar Block
611611Main StreetCorbett Block
626626Main StreetStarland Theatre
646646Main StreetRex Theatre
650650Main StreetWinnipeg Regional Health Authority
660660Main StreetPhoenix Block
661661Main StreetCalder Building
662662Main StreetBell Hotel
667667Main StreetAlloway & Champion Buildingdemolished
669 - 673669Main StreetZimmerman Block
678678Main StreetDominion Bank
684684Main StreetMurray / Clifton House
686686Main StreetSavoy Hoteldemolished
705705Main StreetCleland Block
713713Main StreetPatricia Hotel
782782Main StreetInternational Harvester Building
818 - 820818Main Street
865865Main StreetEuclid Block
11001100Main StreetKelekis Restaurant
11751175Main StreetHoly Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral
12961296Main Streetformer College Theatre
13861386Main StreetMerchants Bank Building
16251625Main StreetBattle of Seven Oaks Monument National Historic Site
16331633Main StreetJohn Robert Spencer House
17411741Main StreetScarfe Block
20152015Main StreetKildonan Park
20212021Main StreetRainbow Stage
10431043Manhattan AvenueKent Road Park
5656Maple StreetFire Hall #3
112112Marion StreetNorwood Hotel
119119Marion StreetBank of Commerce Building
660660Marion StreetCanada Packer Building
736736Marion StreetUnion Stock Yards
780780Marion StreetUnion Stock Yards Complex
1515Market AvenueWilson Furniture
8080Market Avenueparking lot
9090Market AvenueChronkhite Supply Ltd.
9898Market Avenueapartment building
112 - 114112Market AvenueGreat West Saddlery Building
113113Market AvenueGreat West Saddlery
133133Market AvenueRubinstein Bros. & Cosy Restaurant
136136Market AvenueMarshall Wells Warehouse
139139Market AvenueMcKenzie Seed Company
145145Market AvenueAthletes Wear
174174Market AvenueManitoba Theatre Centre
180180Market AvenuePantages Playhouse Theatre
191191Market Street EastLabatt?s AgencyMarket Street East AKA Market Avenue
14301430Maroons RoadWinnipeg Arenademolished
1111Martha StreetR.S.R. Building
7272Martha StreetMcLaughlin Carriage Company
6060Maryland StreetWoodsworth House
275275Maryland Street
484484Maryland StreetFirst English Evangelical Lutheran Church
210210Masson StreetSt. Boniface Normal School
5959Mayfair Avenue
11Mayfair Place
3939Mayfair PlaceFletcher S. Andrews House
3131McBeth StreetMcBeth House & Barnformerly Lot 33 Red River Boulevard
129129McDermot AvenueNamrock Building
145145McDermot AvenueGovernment of Canada Customs Warehouse
165165McDermot AvenueGalpern Building
170170McDermot Avenueparking
171171McDermot AvenueDawson Richardson Building
173173McDermot AvenueFleet Galleries
175175McDermot AvenueTop Buckle Ski Shop
177177McDermot AvenueThe T. W. Taylor Building
179179McDermot AvenueWilson Business Centre
200200McDermot Avenueparking
212212McDermot AvenueLake of the Woods / Mayberry Fine Art2 files
214214McDermot AvenueCriterion Hotel
215215McDermot AvenuePenningtons Warehouse
216 - 220216McDermot AvenueLeckie Building / Canadian Footwear
221221McDermot AvenueElevator / Bate Building2 files
222222McDermot AvenueSilvester Wilson Building
231231McDermot AvenueMariaggi Hotel
245245McDermot AvenueStovel Block
246246McDermot AvenueModern Age Furniture / Cyrus Building
250 - 258250McDermot AvenueMerchants Building
275 - 281275McDermot AvenueStobart Building / Bedford Building
286286McDermot Avenuesee 66 King Street
288 - 296288McDermot AvenueWilson / Glengary / Daylight Buildings
288288McDermot AvenueWilson Building / Allen Building
290290McDermot AvenueGlengary Building
296296McDermot AvenueDaylight Building
317317McDermot AvenueMiller, Morse & Company Building
321321McDermot AvenueWestern Glove Building
334334McDermot AvenueBlue Ribbon Building
472, 480, 482 & 484472McDermot Avenueparking lotformer Canadian Tire Store
576576McDermot Avenue
821821McDermot AvenueMcDermot Avenue Baptist Church
88 - 10088McDonald AvenueKeith & Fraser Complex
115115McGregor StreetUkrainian Metropolitan Cathedral of Saints Vladimir and Olga
758758McMillan AvenueAnverse Apartments
McPhillips at LoganMcPhillips Street Pumping Station
140140Meade Street NorthRoss House
219219Memorial BoulevardMemorial Park
300300Memorial BoulevardWinnipeg Art Gallery
Memorial BoulevardWinnipeg Cenotaph
6767Middle Gateresidence
103 - 105103Middle Gatecarriage house
41 - 5541Mill StreetWinnipeg Electric Substationdemolished
11Morley AvenueWinnipeg Municipal Hospital Building Complex
270270Morley AvenueRubin Block
2222Mostyn PlaceGranite Curling Club
428428Mountain AvenueSturgeon House
409409Mulvey AvenuePlessis / Blackwood Brewery2 files
325325Nairn AvenueCanadian Bank of Commerce
130130Nassau AvenueSt. Luke?s Anglican Church
11Navy WayHMCS Chippawa / Naval Museum
160160Newton AvenueJohn Fraser House
Notre Dame at LangsideFarmer?s Advocate Building
205 - 209205Notre Dame AvenueBache Halsey Stewart CDA. Ltd.
213 - 219213Notre Dame AvenueElectric Railway Chambers
216216Notre Dame AvenueOxford Hotel
224224Notre Dame AvenueArgyle Block
228228Notre Dame AvenueLindsay Building
235235Notre Dame AvenueSt. Charles Hotel
236236Notre Dame Avenueparking lotSmith Street at Notre Dame
245 - 255245Notre Dame AvenueChristie Building
265265Notre Dame AvenueGreater Winnipeg Gas Company Building
266266Notre Dame AvenueGrace United Church
275275Notre Dame Avenueformer Tim Horton?s Doughnuts
338338Notre Dame AvenueWestminister Church
11471147Notre Dame AvenueChristie?s Biscuits
30013001Notre Dame AvenueBrookside Cemetery
363363Notre Dame StreetLagimodiere-Gaboury Park
255255Oak StreetSt. Andrew?s River Heights United Church
315315Oak StreetOak Street School
Osborne at Riverformer Bank of Commerce
Osborne at StradbrookBank of Montreal Building
4040Osborne StreetRoslyn Court Apartments
100100Osborne StreetGreat West Life Building II
103 - 111103Osborne StreetAdelaide Block
190190Osborne StreetMedical Clinic House / King's Fellowship
270270Osborne StreetSt. Paul Fire and Marine / Manitoba Building
524524Osborne StreetFire Hall #15
125125Pacific Avenue
145145Pacific AvenueFormer SmartBag Company / Sports Manitoba
765765Pacific AvenuePinkham School
Pandora at HokaManitoba Hydro Substation
121121Park Boulevardresidence
29882988Pembina HighwayBohemier House
35143514Pembina HighwayMcDougall House
6161Picardy PlaceFirst Presbyterian Church
115115Pioneer AvenueJarvis / McMicken House
149149Pioneer AvenueScott-Bathgate Building
169 - 175169Pioneer Avenueparking lot
179179Pioneer AvenueWinnipeg Paint and Glass Company
Plessis at Kildaresewage lift station
998998Plessis RoadMaison Youville
552552Plinguet StreetSt. Boniface Waterworks Pumping Station & Watertower
598598Plinguet StreetGreater Winnipeg Water District Railway Station
111111Polson AvenueLuxton School
200200Portage AvenueBank of Nova Scotia
201 - 203201Portage AvenueNanton Building
201201Portage AvenueTD Centre
211211Portage AvenueMc Arthur Building
213 - 217213Portage AvenueTD Bank Building
227 - 249227Portage AvenueCurry Building
234234Portage AvenueNorth West Trust Building
236236Portage AvenuePost Office
254 - 258254Portage AvenueA.A. Heaps Building
259259Portage AvenueParis Building
265265Portage AvenueAvenue Building
268268Portage AvenueAlloway Champion Block
271271Portage AvenueHampell Building
276276Portage AvenueYMCA Building
283283Portage AvenueFidelity Trust Building
287 - 295287Portage AvenueGenser Building
294 - 304294Portage AvenueSomerset Place
303303Portage AvenueMountain Equipment Co-op
311311Portage AvenueClaredon Hotel
315315Portage AvenueCanadian Bank Of Commerce
320320Portage AvenueEaton?s Store
333333Portage AvenueBuilder?s Exchange Building
353 - 355353Portage AvenueBettes Buildingmissing
354354Portage AvenueCarlton Building
355355Portage AvenueAir Canada Building
363363Portage AvenueRialto Theatre
379« - 381379Portage AvenueThomson & Pope Building
388388Portage AvenueBoyd Building
393393Portage AvenuePortage Place
410410Portage AvenueBradburn Building
424424Portage AvenueSinger Sewing Building
425 - 431425Portage AvenueScientific Building
426426Portage AvenueBank of Montreal Building
428428Portage AvenuePower Building
450450Portage AvenueHudson?s Bay Company
459459Portage AvenueGaiety Theatre
505505Portage AvenueWesley College
515515Portage AvenueUniversity of Winnipeg
595 - 599595Portage AvenueWinnipeg Roller Rink / Galaxy Skatelanddemolished
639639Portage AvenueNAT/Com Building / Monte Cassino Court
644644Portage AvenueCasa Loma Building
650650Portage AvenueCasaloma
654654Portage AvenueNorthern Crown Building
11811181Portage AvenueRobert Fletcher Building
17851785Portage AvenueGolding and Aaron, Boots, Shoes and Dry Goods
18871887Portage AvenueSt. James Post Office
21092109Portage AvenueDeer Lodge Centre
25792579Portage Avenue"It's a long tramp ?"
27772777Portage AvenueGrant?s Old Mill
31803180Portage AvenueWilliam Brown House
11Portage Avenue EastWinnipeg Goldeyes Baseball Club
138138Portage Avenue EastKeewayden Block
175175Portage Avenue EastDominion Theatre
2525Poseidon BayPan Am Pool
828828Preston AvenueRothesay Apartments
795795Prince Rupert AvenueSalisbury School # 2
33 - 4133Princess StreetPeck Building
44 - 5044Princess StreetRyan Building
48 - 5048Princess Street
52 - 5652Princess StreetDel?s Electric
55 - 5955Princess StreetCity of Winnipeg Signals Building
58 - 6458Princess StreetDel?s Distributing
6161Princess Streetparking lot
7070Princess StreetCanadian Goodwill Industries
72 - 7472Princess StreetShologin & Stewart Warehouseformer Oddfellows' Hall
78 - 8478Princess StreetDeFehr Buildingrenumbered to 78 in 1997
8585Princess StreetSaigon Restaurant
86 - 8886Princess StreetC. A. DeFehr Buildingrenumbered to 78 in 1997
87 - 8987Princess StreetHemisphere Building
9292Princess StreetAdelman Building / Sinclair Building
100100Princess StreetPenthouse Furniture
103103Princess StreetGalt Building
104104Princess StreetDeFehrs & Sons Building
104 - 108104Princess Street
109109Princess StreetBrandy?s Restaurant
110 - 120110Princess StreetFairchild Building / Sterling Cloak Building
111111Princess StreetMaw?s Garage
121 - 123121Princess StreetWestern Elevator and Motor CompanyMiller and Richard Warehouse
146146Princess StreetBenson Block
150150Princess StreetBawlf BlockRed River College fa‡ade
151151Princess StreetPublic Safety Building
154154Princess StreetHarris BuildingRed River College fa‡ade
160160Princess StreetExchange BuildingRed River College fa‡ade
164164Princess StreetUtility BuildingRed River College fa‡ade
172172Princess Streetcollapsed
180 - 182180Princess StreetMacGregor Block
188188Princess StreetCarnefac Block
200200Princess StreetToronto Hide & Wool Company Building
204 - 212204Princess StreetMcLaughlin Carriage Building
216 - 218216Princess StreetThomas Scott Memorial Orange Hall
230230Princess StreetFrost & Wood Warehouse
238238Princess StreetJ. Werier & Company Building
242 - 246242Princess StreetKelly Roberts Building
260260Princess StreetA.R. Williams Machinery Company Warehousesee 314 Logan Ave
300300Princess StreetCanadian Fairbanks Morse Company Warehouse
160160Princess StreetRed River CollegeRed River College fa‡ade
431431Pritchard AvenueHoly Ghost Polish Catholic Church
591591Pritchard AvenueUkranian Labour Temple
595595Pritchard AvenueIvan Franco Museum
147147Provencher BoulevardMaison Joseph Royalcorrect label to "Maison""
158158Provencher BoulevardLe Manitoba Building
200200Provencher BoulevardPont Provencher Bridge
208208Provencher BoulevardCanada Post Office
219219Provencher BoulevardSt. Boniface City Hall
259259Provencher Boulevardresidence
265265Provencher BoulevardBernier House
340340Provencher BoulevardCentre Culturel Franco-Manitoban
383383Provencher BoulevardMaison Francomanitobains
407407Provencher BoulevardBelgian Club
407407Provencher BoulevardBelgian War Memorial
366366Qu?Appelle AvenueWarwick Apartments
453453Qu?Appelle AvenueKerr Housesee 351 Assiniboine Avenue
190190Raymond PlaceMonastery of Precious Blood Sisters
Lot 33Lot 33Red River BoulevardMcBeth House & barnsee 31 McBeth Street
6565Redwood AvenueMolson?s Brewery
Redwood AvenueDrewry?s Brewery
141141Regent AvenueBank of Toronto / Transcona Historical Museum
141141River AvenueLudlow Court Apartments
171171River AvenueWindatt House
200200River AvenueWinnipeg Winter Club
300300River AvenueCongress Apartments
385385River Avenue
444444River AvenueSt. Augustine Presbyterian Church
445445River AvenueGas Station Theatre
500500River AvenueBain House
511511River AvenueFirst Church of Christ, Scientist
9090River RoadGaboury residence
330330River RoadRiel House
37073707Roblin BoulevardChapman Schoolmissing
48204820Roblin BoulevardCharleswood United Church
69456945Roblin BoulevardGreen Gates Restaurant
6565Rorie StreetNorthern Electric Building
6161Roslyn CrescentNanton Estate stablessee 229 Roslyn Rd
66Roslyn RoadLilly Apartments
3636Roslyn RoadJ.C. Falls House
100100Roslyn RoadBlackstone Apartments
140140Roslyn RoadCampbell House
166166Roslyn RoadDennistoun House
218218Roslyn RoadKantor House
229229Roslyn RoadNanton Estate
311311Ross AvenuePaulin Chamber Company Building
314314Ross AvenueWinnipeg Fur Exchange
316 - 318316Ross AvenueBoyce Carriage Block
418 - 426418Ross AvenueCornwall Terrace
777777Ross AvenueDean House
100100Ruines du MonastereOur Lady of the Prairies Trappist Monastery
140140Rupert AvenueWarehouse Theatrepart of Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre
190190Rupert AvenueManitoba Museum
211211Rupert AvenueMitchell Building
221221Rupert AvenueSalvation Army Light Centre
127127Rupertsland AvenueMcMurray House
115115Rupertsland BoulevardSeven Oaks House
2929Ruskin RowR. R. Scott House
715715St. Anne?s RoadJules Mager House
16831683St. Anne?s RoadPilon Houselog building
310310St. Charles StreetSt. Charles Novitiate
320320St. Charles StreetSt. Charles Roman Catholic Church
331331St. Charles StreetSt. Charles Catholic School
6464St. Cross StreetSt. John?s College Remnant
729729St. Joseph StreetLeveque House
836836St. Joseph StreetWhitter Park
866866St. Joseph StreetFort Gibraltarcorrect label to "866"
353353St. Mary AvenueSt. Mary?s Roman Catholic Cathedral
425425St. Mary AvenueWinnipeg Clinic
188188St. Mary?s RoadNelson McIntyre Collegiate
472472St. Mary?s Roadresidencedemolished
596596St. Mary?s RoadSt. Vital Fire Station
706706St. Mary?s RoadVictor Mager House
19641964St. Mary?s RoadHenteleff Park
641641St. Matthews AvenueSt. Matthew?s Anglican Church
850850St. Matthews AvenueGreenway Schooldemolished
6060St. Pierre StreetSt. Norbert Convent
500500Salter AvenueSt. John?s Library
329 - 335329Sargent AvenueAvoca apartment building
845845Sargent AvenueFire Station # 5
460460Sargent AvenueSister MacNamara School
5959Scotia StreetMillidge House
6565Scotia StreetHibernian Cottage
442442Scotia StreetLeacock Estate
137137Scott StreetJohn C. Graham House
Selkirk at MainRoyal Bank
401401Selkirk AvenueDiamond Block
423423Selkirk Avenuecommercial
430430Selkirk Avenuecommercial
485485Selkirk AvenueWilliam Norrie Centre
501501Selkirk AvenuePalace Theatre
541541Selkirk AvenueSteiman Block / Merchant?s Hotel
409409Selkirk AvenueUnion Bank of Canada
500500Shaftesbury BoulevardManitoba School for the Deafnow Canadian Mennonite University
3131Shaughnessy StreetFlorence Nightingale School
354354Sherbrook StreetFire Hall #5
381381Sherbrook StreetSherbrook Pool
775775Sherbrook StreetJ. B. Somerset School
870870Sherbrook StreetNena Block
11501150Sherburn StreetPrincipal Sparling School
650650Shorehill DriveBois-des-esprits Park
180180Sinclair StreetFire Hall #7former Firehall # 11
Smith at YorkSouth Fire Hall / Fire Hall # 2
143143Smith StreetTodd Hunter Mitchell Coffees Company
256256Smith StreetHoly Trinity Anglican Church
257257Smith StreetTribune Building
285285Smith StreetSt. Regis Hotel
331331Smith StreetThe Marlborough Hotel / former Olympia hotel2 files
364364Smith StreetWalker Theatre
368368Southport BoulevardTuxedo Park
509509Spence StreetJohn Wesley Dafoe House
12291229Springfield RoadKil-Cona Park
161161Stafford StreetGrosvenor Court
464464Stafford StreetBank of Montreal
470470Stella AvenueStella Mission
511511Stradbrook AvenueSt. Luke?s Anglican Church Rectory
592 - 598592Stradbrook AvenueLe Chalet
339339Strathmillan RoadStrathmillan School
55Sutherland AvenueBrown and Rutherford Lumber Yard
119119Sutherland AvenueAll People?s Sutherland Mission
351351Tache AvenueL? Hopital Saint-Rochdemolished
409409Tache AvenueSt. Boniface Hospital
494494Tache AvenueGrey Nun?s Convent ? St. Boniface Museum
500500Tache Avenue
768768Tache AvenueLe Rendez-Vousdemolished
325325Talbot AvenueFire Hall #8
7878The PromenadeOdd Fellows Temple
4040Turnbull DriveSt. Norbert Heritage Park
139139Tuxedo AvenueManitoba Agricultural College
525525Tylehurst StreetSt. James the Assiniboine Anglican Church / Heritage Church / Old St. James
200200Vaughan StreetManitoba Archives
290 - 292290Vaughan StreetPublic Press Building
290290Vaughan StreetWestern Handcrafts Ltd.
301301Vaughan StreetY.M.C.A Building
310310Vaughan StreetIsbister School
340340Vaughan StreetRaleigh Apartments
688688Walker Avenueresidence
525525Wardlaw AvenueWardlaw Avenue Fort Rouge United Church
544544Wardlaw AvenueWardlaw Apartments
626626Wardlaw AvenueDeBary / Highgate Apartments
333333Waterfront DriveHarbour Master Building
505505Watt StreetHoly Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Parish
400400Webb PlacePlace Promenade
20002000Wellington AvenueRichardson International Airport
393393Wellington CrescentFortune House
412412Wellington CrescentGeorge W. Erb House
475475Wellington CrescentMunson Park
484484Wellington CrescentD. A. Ross House
514514Wellington Crescentresidence
529529Wellington CrescentJ. H. Ashdown House
550550Wellington CrescentSt. Mary?s Academy
561561Wellington CrescentShaarey Zedek Synagogue
633633Wellington CrescentShriners Hospital
750750Wellington Crescentresidence
874874Wellington Crescentresidence
2020West GateCornish Library
5454West GateRalph Conner House / University Women?s Club
8686West GateWestgate Mennonite Collegiate
112112West Gateresidence
134134West GateJ. B. Monk House
158158West GateBannatyne House / Bannatyne?s Castle
4343Westbrook StreetCodville Building
630630Westminster AvenueSir J. A. M. Aikins House / Riverbend
745745Westminster AvenueWestminster United Church
151151Whellams LaneHerbert D. Whellams House
218218William AvenueLeland Hotel
254254William Avenuemissing
280280William AvenueCity of Winnipeg Health Department
284284William AvenueThe Clearing House
288 - 290288William AvenueACME Printing Building
294 - 296294William AvenueMassey-Harris Block
315315William AvenueTees and Persse Building
339339William AvenueLauzon Block
380380William AvenueCarnegie Library
442442William AvenueProvincial Normal School
14661466William AvenueFire Hall #9
175175Winston RoadAssiniboine School
745745Wolseley AvenueAllison Apartments
750750Wolseley AvenueGordon Bell Junior High School
808808Wolseley Avenueresidence
826826Wolseley AvenueParnell House
830830Wolseley AvenueLyall House
834834Wolseley AvenueWilson House
838838Wolseley AvenueMoyse House
960960Wolseley AvenueLaura Secord School
200200Woodlawn AvenueWomen?s Tribute Memorial Lodge
5454Yale AvenueW. W. Cross House
444444York AvenueVaughan Street Jail
261261Youville StreetKing George V School
???Transcona Roundhouse
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