/ News
February 8, 2021
Help Guide The Future of the Exchange District – Community Consultation Survey: Becoming a Complete Community.
The Exchange District BIZ is in the midst of developing a strategic plan for the historic neighbourhood, and has just released their first community consultation survey to help guide the process.
Survey: Becoming a Complete Community
While the term community can be applied broadly, it is commonly thought of as the geographic area in which we live, including everything and everyone within it – our neighbourhood. As outlined in the City’s broader planning policies (OurWinnipeg 2045 and Complete Communities 2.0), a key objective is to create complete communities throughout Winnipeg, meaning:
“places that both offer and support a variety of lifestyle choices, providing opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to live, work, shop, learn and play in close proximity to one another.”
These are the essential building blocks of a sustainable neighbourhood. Sustainability is an overarching goal of positive urban development. It is the measure of sound policies that consider cultural, social, economic, and environmental matters, together equally. As we’re thinking about the future of the Exchange District, we want to think about creating a true sustainable neighbourhood, for the benefit of the City and residents.
As the residential population continues to grow in the Exchange District, so will demand for everything that is required to support its everyday needs, such as fresh groceries, primary schools, and recreation facilities. By providing convenient access to these important services and amenities, along with all of the existing elements of the Exchange that attract people today (e.g. shops and services, restaurants and bars, arts and culture, employment, preschools and post-secondary education, etc.), the Exchange District will be better placed to continue its evolution into a complete community and sustainable urban neighbourhood.